Thursday, February 25, 2016

Southwest Grilled Chicken Salad

Southwest Chicken Salad

3 oz. Grilled Chicken
2 Romaine Lettuce Leaves
4 Slices Cucumber, diced
1 Slice Red Onion, diced
1/3 c. Black Beans, drained & rinsed
2 Tab. Salsa

In preparation for the meals this week, I had my husband grill about 14 chicken breasts over the weekend. I figured between my meals, his lunch and evening meals with the kids it would last us the week. However, I didn't count on my husband getting a bit tired of chicken by Wednesday. So, we still have a ton of chicken left that I'm going to have to freeze.

Planning ahead is key to keeping the work of preparing healthy meals to a minimum. I had a meal plan for the week for my own meals, but I didn't make a meal plan for the rest of the family. I ended up over calculating how much chicken my family would eat. It's okay, since the chicken can go in the freezer and be used for next weeks meals. However, if I over calculate on vegetables and fruit I may find myself with a bunch of wasted food, (and I've done that before).



Vegetable Omelet Breakfast

Vegetable Omelet

2 Eggs
1/4 c. Mushrooms
1/3 c. Broccoli, Steamed
3 Slices Tomato
3 Slice Turkey Bacon

I steam my broccoli at the same time I cook the bacon. 
In a non-stick skillet cook bacon. 
After bacon is cooked, I sauté the mushrooms until tender. Then, remove from pan & save for later. 
Scramble 2 eggs in a bowl and place in skillet. 
Add broccoli & mushrooms.
Fold mixture in half to make omelet.

Serve with 3 slices of tomato.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

24 Feb 2016 Healthy Lunch for Mom & Toddler

Easy Chicken & Veggies

4 oz. Cooked Chicken
1/2 c. Chopped Red Onion
1/4 c. Diced Green Pepper
1/4 c. Diced Mushrooms
1/4 c. Chopped Tomato
1 Clove Garlic
1 Tab Olive Oil

Heat oil in skillet. 
Place all ingredients in skillet. 
Heat until veggies are soft and chicken is heated.  

Modified Easy Chicken & Veggies for Toddler

2 oz. Cooked Chicken
1 slice Tomato, diced
5 slices Mushroom, diced
Olive oil

While I was enjoying my lunch today, I had a little visitor wanting what I had. However, she does NOT like onion or green pepper. I put together this modified version of what I was having and she gobbled it up. 

24 Feb 2016 Snack

12 Cashews for a snack before I start my workout today. 

24 Feb 2016 Deviled Eggs Breakfast

Deviled Eggs

2 Hard Boiled Eggs
1 Tab Light Mayonnaise
1 tsp Spicy Brown Mustard
1 Tab Pickle Juice
2 Tab Chopped Pickle
1 Tab Chopped Celery
1 Tab Chopped Red Onion
Dash Salt

Boil 2 eggs. 
Cut eggs in half and remove egg yolks. 
Combine egg yolks in a bowl with  
mayonnaise, spicy brown mustard, pickle juice, pickle, celery, red onion, and salt. Mix well.
Spoon yolk mixture into egg halves.
Sprinkle with paprika.


23 Feb 2016 Dinner

4 oz. Grilled Chicken
1 c. Broccoli

23 Feb 2016 Snacks: Healthy vs. Unhealthy


     My first snack                                                My second snack                    

Seriously, I was just going to have two, but they were soooo good. I ended up eating 6 Girl Scout cookies.

I know I am weak when it comes to certain "treats." The best thing for me is to just stay away for now. 

Staying focused on my goal is the only way I am going to reach my goal. 
I cannot "cheat" by eating unhealthy snacks. 
If I had better self-control it would be okay to have 2 cookies, 
but the truth is, I have not mastered self-control. 

23 Feb 2016 Grilled Chicken Salad Lunch

Grilled Chicken Salad

4 oz. Grilled Chicken
1 c. Romaine Lettuce
2 oz. Diced Cucumber
2 oz. Diced Green Pepper
1 oz. Diced Tomato
1 Tab Red Wine Vinegar

The meals I have been preparing make me thirsty. Each meal I drink at least one 8 oz. glass of water and sometimes more. 

Each day I try to have a minimum of 64 ounces of water. Some days are better than others, the important thing is to just keep chugg'n it whenever possible. 

23 Feb 2016 Workout

I was a sweaty mess after my workouts yesterday. I started with Fire Up Your Abs from the Rev Abs program. Then, after a 10 minute break I did Speed & Agility from the Asylum program. It was a tough workout, but I had so much more energy doing both workouts in the morning than I have had trying to do one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

At the end of the workout I weighed in and discovered I had lost 2.3 lbs. from the day before. This is a total of 8.5 lbs from the time I started in November. I yo-yoed with my weight in December and January. So, the 8.5 lbs is calculated from my first attempt at getting fit. 

It is not always easy to stay on track and reach goals, but the important thing for me to remember is that I can just try again. There is only one thing that can keep me from reaching my goal, and that is me. If I don't try, I won't succeed. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

23 Feb 2016 Breakfast

Healthy Tuna Breakfast

2 oz Tuna Salad*  
        (previously prepared)
2 slices Tomato
2 oz Cucumber
1 celery stick

*Tuna Salad 
1 can light tuna packed in water, 
1 Tab. Light Mayonaise
1 tsp. Spicy Mustard
1 Tab. Pickle Juice
6 Pickle Chips, diced
1 Slice of Red Onion, diced
1/4 Celery Stock, diced
Dash of Salt

Mix all ingredients together and enjoy

Monday, February 22, 2016

Two Years Postpartum

Two years after the birth of my fourth child, I realized my first two children, (ages 11 & 13), had the best of me. I was 41 years old and I felt OLD. I had little energy to get down and play like I did with my older children. I still had 20 lbs. of weight I just couldn't kick off as easily as I had done with my first two and I was kinda grumpy.

I had been exercising occasionally, but after Thanksgiving I decided I needed to really make some changes in my exercising and my eating habits. So, I started the 21 Day Fix program from Beachbody. My goal was to lose 15 lbs by Christmas... ya, that was probably a bit unreasonable with the holidays. However, I did manage to lose 7 lbs. and I was, overall, pretty good about sticking with the program. I worked out 6 days a week and I kept track of what I was eating and sticking with the recommended eating plan.

Then, Christmas vacation for children started and it all went down hill. I gained back the weight because I didn't stick to exercising every day and I didn't follow the recommended eating plan. After the New Year I started the program again. My next goal was by Valentine's Day to lose another 10 lbs. I figured; I was eating healthier, exercising daily, so it wouldn't be very hard to shed the weight. By this time I had ordered a second round of the Shakeology that the 21 Day Fix program included. I realized however I was drinking too much milk weekly, because I had not been calculating the Low Fat milk I added to the Shakeology. I cut the milk altogether and just used water. I did another 21 days and lost only 3 lbs. By this time I did notice I was making progress, even if the scale didn't show improvement, a pair of my jeans did fit much better. I was making changes. I had more energy to play with my younger children, I had a better attitude, and I just felt better overall.

This journey to lose 20 lbs. has been difficult and downright frustrating at times. I decided to add the P90X program to the 21 day fix. I had used P90X occasionally over the past few years and had started seeing results, but then life happened and I had quit. I did one workout in the morning and one workout in the afternoon a few times a week. Yet, after another two weeks I saw nothing change on the scale.

I searched through all the programs I had available on demand through Beachbody and discovered Rev Abs. I saw there was a 14 day 'jump start' eating plan. So, I decided to give that a try since I ran out of the Shakeology and needed some breakfast ideas. The first three days of getting off of Shakeology and doing the 14 day meal plan I noticed a significant difference in my waist and I lost 2 more pounds. For a week I struggled with the eating plan, but I still exercised daily with P90X and Rev Abs a few times. I just maintained, I didn't lose, I didn't gain.

Here I am the 20th of February and have started the 14 day eating plan AGAIN. I am doing the Rev Abs workout in the morning. I am doing Asylum part 1 in the afternoon and on Monday, & some Fridays and Saturdays I will be doing some of the 21 Day Fix workouts. My 11 year old daughter needs a workout to strengthen her core for gymnastics; the 21 Day Fix program is low-key and is a workout my daughter likes. I chose Asylum, because my 14 year old son will be joining me in the workouts 3-4 days a week and he liked what he saw in the program and how it will help him perform better in sports.

I'm not going to lie, staying on track with the eating program is hard. I hope as I keep a record of my progress and share my meals, snacks, and workouts it will help me to stay motivated and focused. I have a goal. "If the plan doesn't work, change the plan but never the goal." The plans I have tried in the past have given me little results to reach my goal, so here I try again with another plan. The important thing to remember is: